Sabbath Devotional :: Who Is Jesus to You?
I love the gospels of the New Testament. What it would be like to be alive while Jesus was doing his ministry captivates my intense imagination. I especially find it fascinating the discrepancy between what the people wanted Jesus to be and what Jesus’ actual mission was. And even more fascinating to me is that the disciples who were with Jesus every day were not immune to completely missing the point of Jesus’ ministry. We know from historical political context that the Jews were under Roman rule at the time of Christ. We can assume they weren’t happy about it, and that there was a decent amount of oppression against…
Sabbath Devotional :: Re-Visions
In preparing a talk last week, I re-read Joseph Smith’s earliest account of the First Vision for the first time in a long time; I had forgotten how beautiful it is: I looked upon the sun, the glorious luminary of the earth, and also the moon, rolling in their majesty through the heavens, and also the stars shining in their courses, and the earth also upon which I stood, and the beasts of the field, and the fowls of heaven, and the fish of the waters, and also man walking forth upon the face of the earth in majesty and in the strength of beauty, whose power and intelligence in…
Sabbath Devotional :: Hope
“Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18). In the last General Conference, President Eyring spoke on finding personal peace and the next day, President Nelson invited us to be peacemakers. Finding peace and making peace are not the same, but I know from experience they are connected. A few years ago, I started the day feeling quite down, and then my stellar mood was topped off by some frustration with my family. I decided to go on social media for an escape. One of the first posts I saw irritated me. And I responded. And responded. And responded again. I was not feeling at peace personally, and…
Sabbath Devotional :: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
July Fourth, at its best heart, should be a reminder to us all of the importance of liberty, equity, justice, and fairness for all. We have never achieved that type of society, but at its best roots and with some necessary pruning, July Fourth can and should be a day where we celebrate the change makers, dreamers, and advocates (past and present) who are working to help our societies fully realize and embody these ideals. I believe the best spirit of July Fourth is to lean into creating a better society for everybody, a society where everybody can fully show up and be treated with dignity. If we expand and modernize one line of…
Sabbath Devotional :: Nature as Love
Every night before bed, my youngest kids ask me to sing “The Nature Song,” by which they mean “My Heavenly Father Loves Me.” I sing it mindlessly, tired after a long day of juggling all the things and with my attention already turned to what needs to be done by the next morning. My kids find comfort in being reminded of something I usually take for granted: that the world we live in is the literal manifestation of love. That beauty is the literal manifestation of love. Whenever I hear the song of a bird Or look at the blue, blue sky, Whenever I feel the rain on my face…
Sabbath Devotional :: Bridging to Christ
Recently I was talking with a group of young people who are struggling to find any personal relevance in religion. All of them grew up in homes where their parents were believers and active members of the Church, and almost all of them have continued to be engaged with religious activities. For now, they are still showing up, but they just aren’t feeling connected, inspired or engaged. These are such good people, thinking deeply about what it looks like to live a life of meaning, and yet they are wrestling and weary. At the moment I mostly listened, but ever since, that conversation has been taking up a fair amount…
Sabbath Devotional :: Remembering My Grandpas
I have two grandpas, which is not unusual. My Grandpa Christensen, who was born in 1918, lived about twenty minutes away from my childhood home. We saw him often. He and Grandma were over for every birthday and special event. They would also drop by our house, or we would go to their place several times a month. We never had especially long visits because Grandpa would get “nervous,” but the visits were frequent. Grandpa called us every morning before school. We’d pass the phone around to quickly say hello to him in between grabbing a piece of toast and teasing our bangs into a frenzy. Grandpa loved numbers. He…
Sabbath Devotional :: Peacemaking Means Elevating, Not Shrinking
I recently gave a lesson on President Nelson’s talk on peacemaking. When I distilled the talk down to its heart, this is what I came up with: The invitation to become a peacemaker is an invitation for us to elevate ourselves, not an invitation to shrink ourselves. It’s an invitation to act courageously and boldly in creating a world where everybody is valued, where unity and justice abound, and love permeates everything and every heart. Being a peacemaker does not require us to hide ourselves or diminish ourselves in any way. Passivity is not a requirement to be a peacemaker, and bold action, when rooted in love, is not the…
Sabbath Devotional :: Voiced Admiration
It’s a little nerdy to have a favorite gospel, but I do: I’ve been a huge fan of the book of Luke for a long time. Among the writers of the gospels, Luke is the renaissance man, he’s educated and artsy. His writing mentions women more than any other and his book is beautifully constructed to incorporate songs and praise rich in theology. Especially acclaimed is the song found in Luke 1:46-55. This famous passage is called the “Magnificat.” It is spoken from the viewpoint of Mary, the mother of Jesus, who says, “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been…
Sabbath Devotional :: Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise
For Zion must increase in beauty, and in holiness; her borders must be enlarged; her stakes must be strengthened; yea, verily I say unto you, Zion must arise and put on her beautiful garments. (Doctrine and Covenants 82:14) Back when I was formally studying things, I studied art history. This meant that for many years of my life (and for many years thereafter) I spent hours of every week looking at truly beautiful objects. The period and place of my focus meant that many of those beautiful things had originally been created as objects of devotion. As a lifelong member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, who…