Sabbath Devotional :: Peace on Earth, Good Will to Women . . . Part 2
Our MWEG Proclaim Peace podcast this year has focused, from two dozen different angles, on the concept of finding and making peace personally and globally. For the devotional last week and today, I’m going to present the collected wisdom from this year’s interviews on two questions. This week: how do you find peace? We have many different answers (some edited for brevity/clarity), and I invite you to add your own at the end. What are one or two ways or places that you find peace? Personally, where do you find peace? What do you do? Where do you go? 1 Emma Addams: The easiest answer for me is at the piano,…
Sabbath Devotional :: Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Women . . . Part 1
At this season of wishing for peace on earth, perhaps the word seems overused (and the goal elusive). Yet our own MWEG Proclaim Peace podcast this year has focused, from two dozen different angles, on the concept of finding and making peace, personally and globally. They’ve only begun to mine the topic with so many inspiring guests. For the devotional this week and next, I’m going to present the collected wisdom from this year’s interviews on two questions: How do you define peace? And how do you personally find peace? It is remarkable to read through these varied and insightful responses, and recall the broader context of the podcast conversations…
Sabbath Devotional :: Peace
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27 Lately, John 14:27 is echoing in my mind, and I find myself flashing back to when I was 18. At 18, my family received devastating blow after devastating blow after devastating blow. It remains one of the darkest times of my life, and it was for a few years. I couldn’t see any hope of even a fragment of light at that time. There was seemingly no end or reprieve in sight. Just never-ending darkness. During that time,…
Sabbath Devotional :: Peace Comes to Brood and Sit
This week, as horrors have unfolded in Israel and Gaza, I have been struck by how much the world pulls us to take sides, make statements, opine loudly. So many organizations have felt compelled to send me emails about their positions, or even explanations for why they do not yet have a position. This cacophony clangs against the cymbal crash of the news; the wars of words threaten to consume what is left of the world. I’ve asked myself amidst the din how I can make peace, and what “peace” can possibly mean on the lips of someone as removed from the depths of pain as I am, by geography…
Sabbath Devotional :: Forgiveness, Reconciliation, and Peacemaking
I no longer feel overwhelmed with emotion when I think about a particular evening this past year, but I still remember the pain I felt. It was an unfamiliar feeling for me — one of deep betrayal and disappointment. Cruel, untrue things had been said about me because of my work with Mormon Women for Ethical Government. And it stung because the attacks were so personal. My closest friends comforted me, and I tried to shake it off because I had important work to do. But initially, I really struggled to put it in perspective. Through the power of prayer, I was very quickly able to soothe the stinging and…
Sabbath Devotional :: The Power of Personal Narrative in Creating Identity and Vision
As a junior in high school, I usually enjoyed my popular Thomas Hardy/Charles Dickens English class with Mr. Thompson. He had a quick wit and engaging teaching style that usually led to interesting discussions among my classmates about all kinds of social topics. On one particular morning, as I sat ready to participate in our literature discussion, Mr. Thompson began with the following statement: “As we all know, religious people are just looking for a crutch to explain their suffering.” As a devoted religious teenage girl living in a largely secular community in Northern California, I sat there shocked, but silent. I was not prepared to say anything to contradict…
Sabbath Devotional :: The Master Peacemaker’s Diverse Responses to Conflict
As a mediator and disciple of Christ, I have often reflected on Jesus Christ’s varied approaches to conflict. He did not merely “turn the other cheek” or “agree with [an] adversary quickly” every time he was faced with disagreement or difference. Sometimes we oversimplify the Savior’s teachings about conflict resolution and miss opportunities to create peace. As “the way, the truth, and the life,” I believe Jesus would like us to learn from all of his life experiences and teachings to create more nuanced and diverse approaches to peacemaking. As Eva Witesman wrote in a 2017 Deseret News op-ed on peacemaking, “When I make peace, I want to build it.…
Sabbath Devotional :: Prayer of the Peacemaker
As a kid, I had kind of a love/hate relationship with the story of Abinadi. I loved the example he set of testifying of truth but, honestly, was a little terrified by how things ended for him. I was also fairly shy, and extremely conflict-averse, so the thought of standing up in front of a group of people and telling them a whole bunch of things that made them angry was nearly as terrifying as Abinadi’s untimely death. And yet, I knew it was important to follow the example of people like Abinadi, to use my voice to “stand for truth and righteousness.” At the Mormon Women for Ethical Government…
The Way of Openness :: Conventions for Productive Dialogue
Melissa Wei-Tsing Inouye was the plenary speaker at the 2020 Mormon Women for Ethical Government spring conference. These are her remarks. To view the video of her presentation, click here. Thank you very much for the privilege of speaking to you today. I am very humbled to have this opportunity to share useful tools for difficult conversations. First, I will explain where I’m coming from, the experiences that shape my worldview. Then I’ll explain the Way of Openness, which is a set of conventions for productive dialogue, and give examples of how these conventions work in practice. Finally, I’ll leave you with some thoughts from where I am right now,…
To Whom Will We Show Our Greatest Allegiance?
Almost 50 years ago, at the time of our nation’s bicentennial, President Spencer W. Kimball wrote a powerful sermon about idolatry and its pull on otherwise committed Christians. His concern was not unique to that period; our human tendency to put complete faith in material possessions and raw power has been ever with us and takes many forms. President Kimball described many idols but spoke most specifically about the militaristic tendencies of his flock, saying: “We are a warlike people… When enemies rise up, we commit vast resources to the fabrication of gods of stone and steel… and depend on them for protection and deliverance. When threatened, we become antienemy…