MWEG Member Op-Ed :: “An Epidemiologist’s View on Personal Liberty and Mask-Wearing”
“The tricky part is that we can’t eliminate COVID-19 by focusing only on our individual liberty — we have to exercise a kind of generous, communal commitment to liberty as a principle. We have to believe in protecting the liberty of another as much as protecting the liberty of ourselves, and that belief has to drive us to make some necessary personal sacrifices.” MWEG member Chantel Sloan is an infectious disease epidemiologist who has a front-row seat to COVID-19. Read more of her thoughts on the pandemic, mask-wearing, and freedom in this Deseret News opinion piece. “An Epidemiologist’s View on Personal Liberty and Mask-Wearing” • May 27, 2020 • Deseret…
Are You Aware? Homefront — In Our Response Lies Our Growth and Our Freedom
This is part II in our “battlefronts” Awareness Wednesday series. Read the other posts in the series here. According to Maslow, our three most important needs are physical need, for things such as air, food, and water; need for safety, such as feeling safe from danger, pain, or an uncertain future; and love and/or belonging, which includes the need to bond, feel loved, and have strong attachments with others. All these important needs are challenged by our present circumstances, as we each fight our individual battles on the homefront to help contain this coronavirus. In this war, many of the most important contributions will be made on the homefront. Each of…