Sabbath Devotional :: The Allegory of the Olive Tree
There have been times in my life where I have muttered the words, “Just burn it all down.” Of course I don’t mean in the literal sense that I would ever wish for anything to be lost to fire, but surely I am not the only person who has been in the thick of a personal trial and just needed a do over.
Recently I was teaching about Jacob 5 and the Allegory of the Olive Tree, being reminded that every once in a while we require pruning and sometimes burning of branches, but our efforts are not worthless. In my personal vineyard I am able to have a clearer vision of the areas in my life that could use some careful care, nourishment, and attention to help me become my best, most fruitful self. One of the important parts repeated throughout this chapter of Jacob is laid out in Jacob 5:71 “. . . and if ye labor with your might with me ye shall have joy in the fruit which I shall lay up unto myself against the time which will soon come.” We are reminded that this is a partnership with God.
The beautiful part of being a member of MWEG is using our faith as a cornerstone as we focus on important things like democracy, advocacy, or community building. When we proactively labor with God we won’t despair when we need to burn it down for a new, clearer perspective. This perspective makes me hopeful for what’s to come.
Rachel Roos Albertsen is director of special projects at Mormon Women for Ethical Government.