Letters to the Editor,  Voter Education

MWEG Member Letter to the Editor :: Voting

Since moving to Idaho three years ago, I’ve voted at the polls, but it conflicts with my work schedule and I felt rushed. I loved that in the recent primary election I could vote by mail here. In Colorado, I voted by absentee ballot and loved taking my time and researching. I really understood the language better, especially in referendums, etc… In May, voting by mail, I was able to do my research and felt confident in my choices of candidates and understanding of issues.

We are all concerned about voter fraud, and some posit it would become more prevalent with absentee ballots. But the procedures in place work! In 2012 my husband fell off of our roof while repainting our home. This resulted in a broken shoulder blade and exacerbated muscle tears which required two extensive surgeries to repair. Needless to say, he was out of work for over a year. Because we lived in Colorado we had requested absentee ballots previously and this made it possible for him to continue to vote when he would not have been able to make it to the polls physically. Because writing was painful for him, we went over the ballot together and I filled in the spaces at his direction. Without thinking at all, I signed the ballot with his name and sent it off in the mail. Months later we received a letter stating that his vote had not counted because his signature didn’t match. I was not trying to commit voter fraud and was horrified at my negligence! But the upside is I know now that the processes in place to guard against fraud work—even accidental. Bottom line, voting by mail is a safe and I urge all of the citizens of Idaho to request absentee ballot voting always.

Melissa Hadden, Boise, as published in the Idaho Press.

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